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Making the most of this time of pause (part 5)

A wonderful friend of mine, Jules Chabeaux, recently shared a newsletter in which she talked about the Lock Down being an opportunity for us to Key Up.  This got me thinking about ‘Ki’ – as in Rei-Ki, or Life Force Energy. I believe that this time is challenging us to step into our authentic ‘Ki’ in order to share our unique gifts with the world. To me, this is our ‘purpose’. It’s not (necessarily) some big, momentous role, with heavy demands, high expectations and lots of pressure – unless that is what you enjoy. It’s more about being as true to our authentic selves as we can be, and in doing this, giving permission to others to do the same. And our authentic selves are beings of Love. When we live from here we see that we truly are all aspects of the same One. The one Life Force is flowing through each and every one of us. When we live from here, the world is a beautiful and abundant place full of grace and balance.

Now is the perfect opportunity to think about how we might live from this place, going forward. This Pause is like a blank slate – a fresh start – where we can leave behind the old, and start something new.

I see so many messages of fear, lack and limitation in the media. We can easily get sucked in to the drama of these and start to believe the stories. But they disconnect us from the truth of Who We Really Are – that, as Napoleon Hill said, “Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.” That is, we are limit-less! And, as Abraham-Hicks says: “A belief is only a thought I keep thinking.

So, if you could wave a magic wand, what would you create for this new future life?

  • What would you like to keep from before / to continue doing?
  • What would you like to do differently – and how might that look?
  • How would you see yourself:
    • what would you be doing?
    • how would you be connecting with your gifts and sharing them with others?
    • how might you bring more joy into your life?
    • how might you find ways to move closer to love, and be less held by fears or limiting beliefs?

For myself, I’ve made a commitment to more ethical buying, to being as plastic-free as possible, and to only using ethical products for cleaning, skin care, etc. My vision for myself is to live more in harmony and balance with the natural world, and with those whose lives I touch.

My gifts are around holding space for others, where they can feel safe to explore areas of hurt or dis-ease, and to shine a light for them to see the wonder of their own being, and the power and resources they have within themselves.

I bring joy into my life by connecting with the natural world and with other like-minded people, and I find that this nourishes and recharges me.

I’m also working on my limiting beliefs, to heal the wounds that keep me small and the inner voice that can tend towards being overly critical, trying to convince me that I’m not good enough.  Instead I’m trying to stay curious, so that I can look at why I feel this way, and where the inner voice comes from, rather than listening to it and beating myself up.

Having said that, I’m very much a work in progress.  But that’s ok.  I know that I don’t need to achieve perfection in this lifetime. Instead I can be perfectly imperfect.  To me, life is a journey – an adventure.  My purpose is solely to explore how to be the best me that I can be: what might that mean?  What might it look like? And what can I then offer to the world?

We often put so much pressure on ourselves, don’t we?!  But now so many of us have been given the gift of space and time to explore and ‘play’ with these ideas.

I think it’s also about learning to trust – in ourselves (our inner knowing and sense of who we are, what we feel drawn to do and where we feel drawn to go), and in the Universe.  The current situation is showing us that it’s difficult to know what information to trust, either in the news or on social media.  There is so much mis-information, and so many hidden agenda, out there.

We’re also discovering the importance of connecting, and experiment with new ways of doing this in more meaningful ways. 

I feel this Pause is making us stop in our tracks and ask: what do we really want…?
And it’s giving us the time to develop a high-resolution vision to guide us. 

So, I invite you to ponder these questions and, if you’re happy to share, then please post in the comments below, or message me if you’d prefer to have a more private conversation.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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